Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Nature of Information

Information is based upon the idea that it is a relation. All of it goes hand in hand. Transmitting information to others must be sent with the same kind of codes and base. A relation is based upon objects, signs, items, etc. Icons for example, I use every in my life just by the double click of my mouse or running and stopping by stop signs. To understand this, you must learn do the context and origin of signs. An agent is the driving force of informing about a whole variety of things in their particular contexts. Understanding semiotics is also another start to the big world of information and the infinite possibilities there are. Semiotics includes pragmatics, semantics, and syntax. According to Webster dictionary syntax is "the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language." In other words it is sentence forms and structure. Semantics are the meanings behind the sentences and what the sentence is telling us. Pragmatics is the analysis and the deeper meaning of the practical sentences. Claude Shannon explored information with electrical channels and how they pass on or transmits elsewhere. It soon became known as the information theory. The nature of information is so broad and so infinite I can't wait to see what is to come in the future. What could possibly be thought of next?

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